Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gas Prices

I remember when the normal price of gasoline was 24.9 cents a gallon. This was the going rate for several years. At that time there would occasionally be what they would refer to as a “gas war”. One station would lower their price by a penny and then the station down the street would follow suit. This would go back and forth among all the stations in the area. During a “gas war”, I remember when the price was 16.9 cents per gallon. It would stay there for a few days and then they would gradually raise it until it was 24.9 cents again.
Then the year came when the prices started to rise. I had to drive to work one evening and I needed gas. All of the stations were closed except for one. He had raised his price to 31.9 cents a gallon. I had to buy it but I was not very happy about it. I can even remember saying to the attendant that they were price gouging. I look back on that now with a smile.

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