Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I remember when there was a whole counter full of penny candy at the dime store. Some of it was even two for a penny. When I would get a nickel I would run to the store to make my selections. It usually took me five or ten minutes to make my choices. There were so many to pick from that I can’t remember them all. I do recall some of them including Tootsie Rolls, Kitts taffys, candy cigarettes, little wax coke bottles with sweet liquid inside, jaw breakers, licorice, and many others.
These were all a penny each or less. Then you also had the choice of spending your whole nickel on a bean shooter. It actually was just a big plastic straw. You would put a bean in it and then blow it out and hit people in the back of the head. I always loved that activity. Now that I think about it, it seems that those bean shooters were really overpriced. Was plastic more valuable in those days?

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